Tag Archives: q&a

Making Drones More Accessible: An Interview with Timothy Reuter

I recently interviewed drone hobbyist, educator, and speaker Timothy Reuter. I asked him about his work to educate the public about drones, make drones more accessible to a wider, as well as about his thoughts on the future of drones. Lauren Peterson: Can you introduce yourself and some of the work that you’ve done? Timothy Reuter: Sure, my […]

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Drones and Privacy: An Interview with Professor Randy Dryer

Randy Dryer is a lawyer and professor of law at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. I recently had the opportunity to speak with him about the implications of drones for privacy rights. Zeke Peterson: How does your work give you a unique perspective on issues involving drones? Randy Dryer: I […]

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Drone Research at the University of Utah: An Interview with Daman Bareiss

Here at the University of Utah Department of Mechanical Engineering, a group of graduate students led by Dr. Kam K. Leang have been working in a research team dubbed the DARC (Design, Automation, Robotics & Control) Laboratory. There, the team works on design for remotely controlled aircraft and development of intelligent autonomous systems intended to improve navigation […]

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